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Are Healthcare Robots/Robotics in your Future?

Are Healthcare Robots/Robotics in your Future?
Well, we all know the answer to that, right? Of course they already are. In fact, they really are already here and working every day. Robots have always captured the human imagination and/or fueled the nightmares of many. But, humans have been using robots to do work since ancient times.The International Federation of Robots (IFR) organizes robots ...
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794 Hits

What's All the Fuss about Gluten?

What's All the Fuss about Gluten?
Gluten is found in most wheat, rye and barley. It is a protein that is made up of glutenin and gliadin. Add water and these molecules form an elastic bond. Gluten is also found in many processed foods without being labeled as gluten. It can go under the names of: Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP), Texturized Vegetable Protein (TVP), Starches, Malt...
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785 Hits

Medical Marijuana - What do you think?

Medical Marijuana - What do you think?
Did you know that Medical Marijuana is now available in 25 states and Washington DC? Washington state and Colorado have legalized marijuana for all uses, including recreational. Cannabis or marijuana has a history in medicine going back in many cultures for thousands of years.Currently its use in medicine is still controversial in our culture.In cl...
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1391 Hits

Are you ready for action in the ER?

Are you ready for action in the ER?
Have you ever considered going into the Emergency Department? It takes a quick-thinking individual with a strong stomach to thrive in the Emergency Room. The trauma, injuries and illness encountered in this department will keep the Registered Nurse on their toes during most shifts. On call, holidays, night and weekend shifts may be required in this...
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514 Hits

Pokemon GO and Travel Nursing!

Pokemon GO and Travel Nursing!
​Of course, nothing could be better for your Pokemon Go game than your travel nursing career.Pokemon Go will help you find and catch more than a hundred types of Pokemon while you are exploring your surroundings.Get outside and use your feet to find and catch the elusive wild Pokemon. You can explore and find Pokemon no matter where you are, in you...
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970 Hits

Travel Nursing has a Positive Impact!

Travel Nursing has a Positive Impact!
Travel nurses make a positive impact by assuring the staffing levels are safe, thereby ensuring better patient care. Nursing shortages are a threat to quality patient care and travel nurses are filling these positions in a time of great need.Freshness helps fight burnout. Travel nurses are new to a facility and unit and therefore have a different p...
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932 Hits

There's An App For That

There's An App For That
​As we all know, with today's technology, whatever you need to know, "There's An App For That".A new wave of apps is starting to turn the healthcare industry from Reactive to Proactive. Technology is moving toward population health management with a team-based approach. Soon the healthcare professional will have access to sensors and...
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956 Hits

What are the Best Specialties for Travel Nursing

What are the Best Specialties for Travel Nursing
Travel Nursing can present many great opportunities and for those with a specialty even more opportunities abound. Supply and demand dictates what are considered the best specialties for Travel Nurses. Having a passion for your specialty is a bonus and that's how most nurses find their niche. When you are pulled to a certain group or position with ...
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1162 Hits

What are per diems?

What are per diems?
​A lot of confusion surrounds the "per diem" payments that many travelers receive that covers lodging and meals.These payments are usually paid on a tax free basis assuming that the traveler has a qualifying tax home.Per Diems are also called allowances, stipends, subsidies and reimbursements, but more specifically, are paid for lodging and meals –...
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1681 Hits

5 Healthcare Jobs Transformed by Reform

The focus in hospitals on outcomes and patient satisfaction and on the use of electronic health records systems is changing clinical duties and job descriptions. If your HR department is like most, it is recruiting more nurses with advanced degrees, looking to hiring a team of care coordinators, and possibly seeking...
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886 Hits
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