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Great Apps for Travel Nurses

Great Apps for Travel Nurses
​Of course, as we all know in this point and time, whatever you need, There's An App For That! This holds true for so many facets that can help you as a professional healthcare traveler and/or travel nurse. Do you need to find stuff local to your new travel assignment location? Need vegetarian options for a nice dinner out but you are new to town? ...
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2223 Hits

Great Weekend Adventures in Florida for Travel Nurses

Great Weekend Adventures in Florida for Travel Nurses
When you are on assignment in the Sunshine State the possibilities are endless for your exploration and adventures during your down time. Travel assignments for travel nurses and professional healthcare providers can be found in many different areas of the state, from the panhandle to the Florida keys. Weekend getaways can vary depending on what pa...
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548 Hits

Travel Nurses and Therapists Making Holiday Assignment Plans

Travel Nurses and Therapists Making Holiday Assignment Plans
​Here we are at the end of summer already. The seasons just fly by, don't they? Before you even realize it 2018 will be in the books.It's not too early to start making arrangements for your travel assignment or maybe some time off, for the 2018 holiday season? You really do have the opportunity to spend the holiday season anywhere you like with pro...
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599 Hits

Travel Nurse Resume – Lose These 4 Things!

Travel Nurse Resume – Lose These 4 Things!
Lose the cute email first thing. Remember that everything on your resume is important and OPEN to interpretation – just make sure you like what they interpret. You want to put forth a professional image and even your email address is part of that.Make sure you don't have typos and/or poor grammar on your resume. Once again, the language and words y...
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577 Hits

Apple Cider Vinegar – Handy for the Household

Apple Cider Vinegar – Handy for the Household
Apple cider vinegar has been a staple in so many of our homes growing up and it can be used for so many things. And it's cheap when you are on a travel assignment in your new home to pick some up and use it for so many purposes. I will list a few here for your convenience.Well, one of the most important uses I know of, is for my natural tonic, whic...
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595 Hits

Walking is a Great Stress Reliever

Walking is a Great Stress Reliever
Walk away your stress. I know it sounds too easy to be true but it has proven in study after study that walking is one of the best ways to relieve your stress. A brisk walk will make you feel better, no matter what your day was like. And a walk outdoors has been shown to have even more benefits, especially if you can get in a natural setting with t...
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633 Hits

Time To Plan Your Fall Travel Assignment

Time To Plan Your Fall Travel Assignment
​Summer is well underway and if you haven't already started, it is time to start setting up your Fall travel assignment. Where will you spend the last few months of 2018? Best time to plan those fall adventures is now and in the coming weeks.Have you ever seen pictures of the Balloon Festival in New Mexico? It's an annual event that attracts so man...
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541 Hits

Travel Nurse Tips for Packing Your Car

Travel Nurse Tips for Packing Your Car
Here are a few trips to help travel nurses and professional healthcare travelers fit everything in your car if you happen to be driving to travel assignment. Hey, every little bit helps, right?First of all, realize that unless you have a large vehicle, bringing any furniture is not really an option. Travel nurse assignments will include furnished h...
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841 Hits

Club Staffing Specializing in Allied Travel

Club Staffing Specializing in Allied Travel
Club Staffing has joined forces with to bring those in the Allied fields great travel opportunities and jobs in top facilities all across America. Their motto is "Exceptional Healthcare. Delivered" and this exemplifies the quality of services they bring to their clients.Club Staffing is based in Boca Raton, Florida and offer...
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1038 Hits

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
As we all know Memorial Day is a day set aside each May here in America to honor the men and women who have died in active service in our military.HealthCare Employment Network is proud to be veteran owned and we say thank you to all who are serving or have served. We honor you and we also remember so many who have been lost.Memorial Day Weekend is...
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860 Hits

What can do for you?

What can do for you?
HealthCare Employment Network,, is here to help you, the professional healthcare traveler or Registered Nurse find the right job in the right place. The travel nursing industry is booming as there are still more jobs than there are nurses to fill them.HealthCare Employment Network, is here to help you, the travel nurse or pr...
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824 Hits

​National Nurses Week 2018 is May 6 – 12

​National Nurses Week 2018 is May 6 – 12
We definitely want to take time to honor all you hard working travel nurses and RN's out there busting your butts every day. Did you know that National Nurses Week is set on the same dates every year to coincide with Florence Nightingale's birthday on May 12? Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing.The theme for this year's N...
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933 Hits

Spring Time has Arrived!

Spring Time has Arrived!
​Spring has arrived and hopefully along with it, some warmer weather for all the people who are not fortunate enough to live here in sunny Florida. Flowers are blooming all around and our beach is already full of people every day.As a travel nurse you know there are several things you need to be taking care of this time of year. One thing is income...
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683 Hits

Where Will You Spend Summer?

Where Will You Spend Summer?
​As a travel nurse or professional healthcare traveler you get to choose where you want to spend your time. Summer is fast approaching and it's time to line up those great summer spots you've been thinking of. Where will it be?There are so many great options and of course, travel nurses, therapists and Allied personnel are all needed in many market...
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697 Hits

2018 Mileage Rates for Travelers

2018 Mileage Rates for Travelers
​The new standard mileage rates for the year 2018 have been announced by the IRS and here's what you need to know. Any time you are driving for work, medical reasons or to support a charity you may qualify for the mileage deduction on your taxes.In tax year 2018 the mileage rate standards for use of your car will be as follows: 14 cents per mile wh...
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641 Hits
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