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Garlic can keep you healthy!

Garlic can keep you healthy!
If you look back through history, garlic has been used for many things for hundreds of years. Garlic is a plant in the onion family and is closely related to shallots, leeks and onions. Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek, Chinese and Roman civilizations all referenced the use of garlic for its medicinal properties.Most of the health effects of garlic are ...
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836 Hits

NICU Travel Nurses are Needed Everywhere

NICU Travel Nurses are Needed Everywhere
Some of the best NICU units in America are looking for travel NICU nurses. There are so many opportunities to work with the best of the best and expand your horizons and your career.Boston Children's Hospital, Monroe Carroll, Jr. Hospital at Vanderbilt in Nashville, UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital in Cleveland, Riley Hospital for Childr...
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995 Hits

Flu Season is Here Again!

Flu Season is Here Again!
​Here come the reminders everywhere to get your flu vaccination. But do they really help? Mounting research has shown that the vaccination approach to preventing the flu doesn't actually work and may be detrimental to long term health.U.S. government officials admitted in January 2015 that in most years flu shots are maybe 50-60% effective at preve...
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950 Hits

Generic Drugs – Are They the Same?

Generic Drugs – Are They the Same?
​More than 80% of prescriptions filled in America's pharmacies today are generic drugs, not the original brand name drug. This practice saves patients and the healthcare industry billions of dollars each year. Estimates say it cuts your prescription cost over 65% by using generics. As healthcare professionals and RN's in the industry today you see ...
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696 Hits

Life Hacks 101

Life Hacks 101
At the end of your shower turn the water to cold. This will seal your pores and keep bacteria and dirt from getting in them and therefore prevent acne.Did you know that blinking fast for one minute will help you fall asleep if you are having trouble?If you would like to retain something read it before you go to bed. Sleeping after reading it will h...
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677 Hits

Demand is High for PACU Travel Nurses

Demand is High for PACU Travel Nurses
​RN's who specialize in Post Anesthetic Care or PACU nurses are in high demand and travel nurse jobs are available all across America from Florida to Washington state and everywhere in between. All you have to do is decide what part of the country you would like to visit next.The PACU RN is a welcome sight for patients waking up from the haze of an...
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1106 Hits

Roller Coaster for your Kidney Stone?

Roller Coaster for your Kidney Stone?
​Have you heard this one? There is new evidence that a roller coaster ride may help you pass small kidney stones.A study done by the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine conducted their study in Walt Disney World on the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and Space Mountain roller coasters. The study was conducted using 3D printed cl...
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948 Hits

Adventure in Alaska as a Travel Nurse

Adventure in Alaska as a Travel Nurse
Believe it or not there are travel nurse job opportunities in several locations in Alaska. Can you imagine yourself in Alaska? Have you ever wanted to experience this beautiful northernmost area of the US? Alaska offers so much for the explorer to see and do, from whale watching to glacier tours, historical towns and gold mines and of course, pure ...
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954 Hits

Become Comfortable with Technology

Become Comfortable with Technology
One way to really help yourself in today's world is to embrace the technology that we all live with every day. The technology we have today is so far advanced, just during my lifetime. I can still remember when we had one house phone line in the kitchen and it was attached to the wall. That's unimaginable for much of the working population tod...
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744 Hits

What's the Latest on the Zika Virus?

What's the Latest on the Zika Virus?
​There are doubts now that the Zika virus is even connected to the Microcephaly birth defects noted in Brazil. A study of over 2000 pregnant women in Colombia that were infected with the Zika virus showed no microcephaly in any of the births. Almost 90% of the microcephaly cases occurred in the northeast part of Brazil. Medical organizations in bot...
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718 Hits

Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Nurse Jobs available now!

Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Nurse Jobs available now!
I don't know about you, but Hawaii has always been on my bucket list. I may still get there someday. As a Travel Nurse or Traveling Allied professional you could be working and living there before the end of the year if you so desired, or line up an assignment there for next year. I found many job listings in Honolulu as well as other cities when s...
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849 Hits

Nature can improve your Health

Nature can improve your Health
People find it strange when I say that nature is my church. That's the place to go when I don't feel connected or feel out of sorts. Walk on the beach or take a walk through the woods and get out in nature to get your connection back. It's even scientifically proven that nature can be your rescue! Plenty of research shows the healing and calmi...
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790 Hits

Internaut Day – Welcome Internet

Internaut Day – Welcome Internet
So, believe it or not, 25 years ago today the internet went public on August 23rd, 1991, an amazing day in our history for sure. Sir Tim Berners-Lee and lots of other internet pioneers turned the world into a globally connected place. And what would any of us do today without the internet. Can we even imagine such a thing? Well, obviously a lot of ...
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992 Hits

Zika Virus - What You Need to Know

Zika Virus - What You Need to Know
Preventing mosquito bites is the best way to protect yourself from the Zika virus. There are EPA-registered repellents that work. If you are in a mosquito infested area wear long sleeves and long pants. Make sure there is no standing water around your home anywhere as this is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The US has many areas where the type of...
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723 Hits

Labor & Delivery Travel RNs in High Demand across US

Labor & Delivery Travel RNs in High Demand across US
As we all know healthcare travelers and travel nurses are in high demand across the country and the need is only expected to continue to grow. There are so many opportunities in large cities, rural clinics and everything in between. L&D, Labor & Delivery RN is one of the specialties that many facilities are in need of today. Have you consid...
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673 Hits
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