Physical Therapists are healthcare professionals that diagnose and treat patients of all ages who have health or medical problems that limits their ability to function in their daily lives. The PT examines the patient and develops a treatment plan to reduce their pain, improve their ability to move and restore function to their daily lives and hopefully prevent disability.
Physical Therapists can take charge of their lives and explore new possibilities while enhancing your career all by becoming a traveling healthcare professional. Most travel assignments are for a 13 week period but some can be extended to 26 weeks if it is going well. Or, maybe not, and it's time to jump on to the next adventure. That's the joy of being a traveler in the healthcare industry. You will earn top pay, great benefits, and your housing is even paid for and set up for you before you travel to your assignment.
If you would like to explore all the benefits of becoming a professional healthcare traveler
Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network