Healthcare travelers and travel RN's have a lot of flexibility in their assignments. This flexibility can make it easier for the traveler to get those needed CEU's in or even attend classes periodically. There are also many CEU courses available online. The best way to find them of course is to google it and you will be presented with many choices even if physical attendance is not an option for you.
In today's fast paced healthcare environment it is necessary to stay relevant. Everything about healthcare is constantly changing and it is important to stay up to date with the latest information and technology, as well as standards and regulations.
When you choose to pursue further education you are demonstrating to your potential employer that you care about your profession enough to take the time and spend the money to improve your knowledge. In some instances the agency you are working for may reimburse you for CEU expenditures. Some agencies will even schedule time off for you between assignments to get classes done if you desire.
Healthcare travelers and travel nurses get lots of great on-the-job training but those letters after your name make you an even more valuable commodity for your next assignment. There are so many options available to continue your education and grow your career. It just takes your initiative to get going. Safe travels and keep smiling and learning!
Mary Crawford, HealthCare Employment Network